Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Walk on the Beach

Summer, oh how I've missed you! The very poor light yesterday (on account of the copious amounts of rain - it turns out that though every cloud may have a silver lining, sometimes that lining can clock out the sun) made it rather difficult to take photos, but I made up by taking extra today! And where better to welcome summer back (again) than at the Mount? I found this abandoned pool lounger on an equally abandoned main Mount Beach. I think it could be quite good for an advertising campaign, don't you? Something like "All that's missing is you". Though just quite how you would operate a pool lounger in the surf I'm not quite sure!

Our second photo is a sign you'll find at almost every beach in Tauranga - Tauranga is a tourist town by the beach, so our council takes the upkeep of our beaches very seriously! I liked the laid back, offbeat look of this photo - it's not much to look at but it makes you wonder!
As I said before, Tauranga is a tourist town, so cruise ships are regular visitors in our harbour. Today we had the Nautica, back for another visit after leaving two days ago. I've always loved photographs of silhouettes against the setting sun, so when I saw the opportunity to take one of my own, I jumped at it! The result is pretty good - if rather off kilter. I'm just a little annoyed I couldn't get a good shot of the cruise ship at the same time! Ah well, we can't have it all can we?And finally, a photo that I've been dreaming of taking for a long time. I saw something similar elsewhere and have always loved the kind of essential Kiwi-ness of the idea. Many thanks to Giorgio from Venice (I know, I'm jealous too ;) ) for letting me borrow his very Italian Vespa - apparently he was so worried about missing it that he had it shipped over to New Zealand for his six month holiday too!

I have loved the past few days of rain, but having the sun return was a very welcome relief. If only the weather could change on my whim! *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. We have snow and ice here and you have sand and beach there! I guess we're just on opposite ends of the earth~!
